• Shingad Road,Pune-411041


Wi-Fi Solutions services are used not just for office employees, but also in restaurants, retail stores, commercial and residential buildings, coworking spaces, hotels, hospitals, educational institutions, shopping malls, and sports arenas. That being said, whether you are a multi-location organization or have a small in-house IT team handling your workers' end-to-end Wi-Fi needs, you can benefit a lot from Wi-Fi solutions.


  • Increased security over your internal network
  • Achieve full transparency with in-depth monitoring and reporting
  • Scale successfully as your business grows.
  • Improve the user experience for everyone at your office
  • Have immediate access to technical support
Increased security over your internal network

Data leaks, both external and internal, often ruin even the most successful businesses. These breaches are frequently caused by inadequate, or even non-existent, security setups. Many people are unaware that network security extends well beyond just assigning logins and granting access to authorized users. Within the network, there are several configuration choices for separating user traffic from other operations.

The selection of the appropriate switches, gateways, controllers, and access points is just as crucial as their use in the setting of your managed Wi-Fi system. As a result, a reliable managed Wi-Fi service begins the installation procedure with a thorough discovery phase.

Achieve full transparency with in-depth monitoring and reporting

Our managed Wi-Fi solution lets you get to know the individuals on your network. On-demand access to detailed data provides insight into your network utilization, uplink performance, and other parameters, allowing you to make more informed business decisions.

In contrast to earlier wireless technology, modern business grade solutions enable you to manage all of your access points from a centralized processor. This is extremely beneficial since your managed Wi-Fi provider can monitor Wi-Fi performance at all of your business sites from a single, simple-to-use interface. Additional network management technologies, such as firewalls and gateway controllers, enable even more detailed reporting.

Scale successfully as your business grows

You'll need more hardware when you open and staff more locations of your business, such as desktop computers, phones, and wireless network infrastructure. You had to buy whole different systems since you couldn't control two or more sites from the same interface, but now you can. Access points that can be controlled by a unified management system are common in managed Wi-Fi systems. There are several license-based cloud and onsite controllers that can manage hundreds of access points from anywhere in the globe via a single interface.

Your managed Wi-Fi provider will be able to organize your access points by location and apply different regulations to each one based on the needs of that workplace.

Improve the user experience for everyone at your office

Businesses deal with technology upgrades based on their own specific needs. Your new business Wi-Fi system will also require regular maintenance when new upgrades that improve network security and performance are released. Your ultimate objective is to not have to worry about Wi-Fi. In fact, you prefer not to think about it at all. Wi-Fi should just work.

Aside from that, you may personalize your whole Wi-Fi experience. Bandwidth limiting and content filtering are two capabilities that may be used to restrict how much bandwidth is utilized on your network as well as which websites employees can access while on the job.

Have immediate access to technical support

The yearly wireless site survey is one of the most significant benefits of a managed Wi-Fi service. The wireless site survey is your managed Wi-Fi provider's yearly opportunity to examine the network's real-time performance and make custom configurations to improve it. The wireless site survey is done during business hours with minimal disruption. It is especially beneficial in high-density areas where hundreds of devices are supported by a single Wi-Fi system, as well as in workplaces where seating arrangements changes often.